Ultimately, the Honours course in Zoology was introduced in 1955 just after two years Presidency College introduced the same course.
Following the glorious start, Late Professor Sudev Bhushan Ghosh went on searching new teaching talents who were well ahead of their times. Inclusion of many great teachers kick started the forward march of the department down the uphill road of time. The department of Zoology went on producing numerous teachers of distinction, scientist of international standard, education administrator,social reformer and so on. The eventful journey, although far from being complete, has already reached 50 years mark.
With such illustrious past, the department of Zoology is now venturing into a new horizon of academic service by introducing M. Sc. Course in Zoology from the academic year 2005-2006. The forward march, we believe will continue with new challenges being tackled by active involvement of all concerned for many years to come.