Campus Rules & Regulation

Conduct and Discipline

Each Student is provided with an Identity Card with his/her Photograph, attested by the Principal of the College. Thisis an important document and should be carefully preserved. Students must come to the college with their collegeidentity card whichthey should produce on demand.In case of loss of the identitycard, a student shall have to make an F.I.R. with the Local Police Station and apply to the Principal with the F.l.R. number for a duplicatecard which may be issued on payment of Rs.30 only.

Every student must see the college Notice Board every day to keep himself/herself properlyinformed through variousnotices issued by the collegefrom time to time. Ignorance of any fact circulated through any notice for reasons of non-perusal of the notice on the part of any student, for whatever grounds, shall not entitle him to any special treatment.

Misbehavior with teachers and staff is a serious offenceand may lead to the expulsion of the offender.

Any discourtesy towardsgirl students shall be severelypunished; it may even lead to expulsion from the college.

Outsiders are not permitted within the College premises and students must not bring outsiders to the college for any reason. 

Shouting inside the college is not permitted. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited within the college premises. 

Loitering in the corridor, disturbing classes, copying in examinations, are treated as misconduct and breach of discipline and warrant punitive action. Students are to maintain discipline inside and outside the College. Smoking, spitting of 'panmasala’, in the College verandahs, common Rooms, Lawns and class Rooms are strictly prohibited.