Students Supports Service

Auditorium: Prasanta Kumar Bose Memorial Hall

A spacious state-of-the-art air-conditioned auditorium, covering almost the entire basement area of the new building and dedicated to the memory of late Principal P.K. Bose, offers excellent opportunities for meetings, seminars and cultural activities.

Library: Jatin Das Memorial Hall

The College Library has a rich collection of rare books with about 27,OOO titles as on 11.05.2011 and journals and its present stock is updated to include the latest publications on various subjects. lt has a capacious reading room named after the Martyr Jatin Das, Departments offering Honours Courses have a Seminar Library for specialized reference work. 

Playground for Games and Sports

A rare privilege of the institution is the possession of a playground and a beautiful pavilion on the Kolkata Maidan, shared by Asutosh College, Kolkata. The College is well known for its extra-academic activities in the fields of sports and games with the active cooperation of the Students' Union. The lnstitution organizes lnter-Class Football Competitions, Annual Sports, lnter-College Table Tennis Tournaments and lnter-College Cricket Tournaments. The students also participate in lnter-College Football and Cricket Tournaments held under the auspices of Calcutta University.


A new gymnasium has come up very recently in the college premises to cater the needs of the students.

Internet and E-mail

The College has developed its own website namely lt has a separate Computer Science Department and has been able to motivate its employees to become computer-friendly with all office work being streamlined through computerization. The Library also has a computer section.

Students Insurance

The College has arranged student Safety lnsurance Policy with the New lndia Assurance Company Ltd. for 4000 students of Bangabasi College. The coverage under the policy will include,

  1. Personal Accidental Coverage Re. 1 lac per student.
  2. Medical expenses 10,000/- per student. 
  3. Baggage policy 2,OOOI- per student.
  4. Payment of tution and hostel fee for remaining semesters in the students account with the institute in case the parent/guardian dies due to accident.


Recently we have formed a Committee comprising two faculty members to co-ordinate the process of in -campus efforts of placement as a number of companies have approached for 'Campus lnterview' of our students.

Book Bank

There are provisions for Book Bank for the poor and meritorious students has recently started a project for a Book Bank which will lend (till the end of session) costly yet essential books to meritorious students who cannot otherwise afford to procure them.

Introduction of Certificate course in Functional English 

College is going to open certificate course in Functional English in collaboration with the Institute of language Learning.

Common Room: Girish Chandra Memorial Hall

To facilitate recreational activities, the college has a big Common Room named after the founder of the college. A separate common room has been provided for lady students.

Cheap Canteen

The College provides a cheap store and a Canteen for the students where food is available at subsidized rates.

Training Programme for Entry in Service

The College also provides this facility to the students (on Saturday and Sunday) to get themselves prepared for different competitive examinations such as WBCS preliminary Examination, P.S.C. & S.S.C. Examinations, Banking service examination and so on.

Magazine & Academic Journal

Bangabasi College Magazine with its glorious past, was first published in '1903 and was the only magazine of its type in Kolkata. Published by the Students' Union with contributions from its teaching and non-teaching staff, the magazine also purports to kindle the creative talents of the students. lts publication is an important annual event. Bangabasi College Acedemic Journal was first published in 2003. These journal representative research activities of teachers and students of different disciplines.

Bangabasi Barta (Campus News)

Bangabasi Barta was first published in 2003. The object of this publication is to circulate several information’s about the college