Learning Management System

E-Shikshakhttps://bangabasi.in/eshikshak/ , our dedicated Learning Management System, was introduced during the end of the pandemic as the young minds got familiar to digital learning. At present, all the faculty members use it to the optimum so as to bring the best out of their students, who are provided with unique ID and password just after completion of the registration process of the affiliating university. Teaching faculty upload lesson plans of a given paper of a particular semester at the commencement of a session, in order to ensure that the class becomes mentally prepared on what is going to be taught and when. As days go by, study materials like class notes, E-books, power point slides and video links are posted so that students get access to them when not in the campus. Assignments, problem sets and past year University question papers are there for their sound preparation of term end exams. Apart from that, quiz sessions in MCQ format have been set up internally in the LMS platform so as to assess the students continuously and on the other hand, to empower them for subject based competitive examinations.